Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just Me by Da’shade Moonbeam – or Why Austin Hip hop ought to be on the dang radio.

  Some people you meet in life are there to lift you. They do it in different ways. Some folks have your back. Some people always include you. Some are funny. Some always make you smile. Then there are folks like Da’Shade Moonbeam who are all those things and freakishly talented to boot.

Let me take that back a bit. Freakishly talented is not fair. That’s my baggage. I want Da’Shade’s talent to be something untouchable and odd, so that the distance I feel between his and mine can be explained away as a gift or an aberration. Truth is he works too hard for that. He always has. The proof of this is simple to find. Just go to any of the amazing shows he puts on around Austin (or the country). His live shows are a carefully sculpted mix of over a decade of writing, performance, MC mastery, dance, stage combat, and nerd culture that culminate in a sort of inspirational, hard core, dorkgasm of truth and power.

If you’re not yet convinced or at least titillated, (what are you, dead?) allow me to offer an aperitif. Just Me is the new CD out by Da’Shade and from first beat to final reverberation it is the best combination of fun, hard, cool, and crazy and a great introduction to Austin Hip Hop and one of its hardest working ambassadors. Da’Shade does it all as the title implies and it is one of my favorite CDs bar none.

Here’s what I would do if you’re not used to new, local Hip Hop music. Use the first couple of tracks to tune your ears in. You’ll get another taste of Fresh at the end so just let it be what it is (which is a booty shaking call to . . . well . . . shake your booty). Practice your head bounce. If nobody’s looking, toss in a stank face and a shoulder roll. (Maybe use Google to look up stank face and shoulder roll.) The point is to have fun. Serious doesn’t mean you have to lose your sense of humor.

The Most Magnificent is an old tune with some new hotness and a great track. At some point you need to let yourself say, ‘uh’ or ‘what’ or ‘damn’ to this one. You also have to laugh. There is too much toilet humor in this one not to. Next is Love, a bad-ass little piece of reflection that feels borne from a thousand notebooks worth of serious musing. It makes me long for those old days when I dragged my butt all over Austin writing and making the kind of mistakes that teach you more than you want to know.

Then, Gotta Get On Up serves up a fat chunk of energy-drink-filled, Original Gamer, jocularity. Seriously if you’re not a fan by this track, you’re doing it wrong. Start again. You should be laughing your butt off and dancing by now. This is maybe the best hook I’ve heard and is a great example of Da’Shade’s incredible writing ability, verbal skill, and serious mojo.

It just gets better from there. I wish I had Girl Song ten years ago. My poor wife would have been defenseless. There would have been candles and kisses and . . . that’s all I’m saying. (note to self – no need for a time machine, set candle and kisses plan into action.) They Are Coming is so much street nerd cool that I wish they would come and I want to run with whatever crew Mr. Moonbeam is hanging with when they get here. I feel bad for ‘em though. These folks don’t play. (see Yeah that’s him too.

And that’s it, except for a remix of Fresh (featuring the always amazing Nook) which gives the CD a bit of closure and cool. This is Austin Hip Hop. It’s not the only think going on, but it is a great example and I highly recommend it. You can get the tracks here: You should also find Da’Shade on FaceBook, (, twitter (dashade), and YouTube ( and like him or friend him. Then find out when his next show is and see it. Do it now before he hits it big and we lose him to his calling. As for me, I’m gonna listen to the whole dang thing again and then I’m going back to the lab (such that it is). I’ve got work to do and a coolness deficit that must be dealt with.

~ Aaron Sanders

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