Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lost in the labyrinth

Day 6 - Finalized construction of pit filled with spikes, trained most of the ducks with frickin lasers, having trouble locating sufficiently round six foot boulder, forced to rethink hall of flames idea. It is harder to hunt down a Hattori Hanzo sword than you might think and even harder to claim one as your own.
Gained control of the thermostat at noon, took over the break room soon after, have not heard from the hunting party in two hours. I fear the worst. There is a chanting coming from the copy room that can only mean that war is upon us. The tribe goes about preparations silently. Permanent marker face paint is disturbing. Thankfully we recruited the engineers early. I almost feel bad for the folks in QA, but they started this.
Sent an email to my wife, just in case. This may be the last entry in this journal. If you find this and the drums have faded, escape while you can. Let the sun kiss you face again. Live!

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