and part 2 -
Please listen to the links while you read.
I am watching you
and the cascade of updates
I espy your hopes and pains
slide vertically by
and I'm in love with you
I have a crush on you
I'm still angry
This strained conversation
has re-awakened the child inside
long protected from failed dreams
kept ignorant and afraid
I wonder why I ever thought
that was safer
I am panicky
I am fictional
I am intimidated and inspired
You make your beautiful seem effortless
and far away
such ease
like having wings
or flowing downstream
I wish it
a mad rush
a piano mimicking melancholy
and rain
the silent arpeggio of us
To talk of tears
is to turn some away
I know this
I refuse to control
what is natural to me
I miss you now
I have
welling in me
a madness of tears
that must be freed
each moment of empathy
opens and isolates
my chest a failing damn
my skull the weight of inevitability. . .
It has been years
since I have felt
this kind of cleansing coming
Last night
I was ready
but something small and silly held me back
so I just fell asleep
twisted up like a memory
This morning
you have armored me
I am in a cubicle
Writing poetry
Amazing . . .
I think I have the strength
to finally fall apart
I will wait for the moon
watching the clock
and you
and you
and you

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